segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2012

Atividade destinada aos alunos do 3º ano Normal do C.E."Joana de Freitas Barbosa"

 English,an International Language
Antes de ler o texto a seguir,reflita sobre estas questões:
1.Por que o Inglês é importante?
2.Por que o mundo está " extremamente pequeno" hoje em  dia?
3.Em que países se fala Inglês?
4.A língua inglesa é igual em todos os países onde é falada?

     Why learn English?
Because English is the most important international language in the world.Some facts prove that:English is the international language of air and sea travels,of computing,of pop music,of politics,of Science and medicine,sports,TV and films.
     The word today  is a very small place.Communication and travel are extremelly quick:think of jet planes,satellite TV,telephones,telex and fax the internet,for example.
      Because of this,we need a common language,and this language is English.
      English is the first language in:
Australia,The Bahamas, Canada, Ireland, Guyana, New Zealand The United Kingdom,The United States.
      And it is the official second language in many other countries such as: India, Nigeria, South Africa,Israel...
      English is slowly becoming more than one language,because in every country it is spoken there are diferences in some vocabulary words,in some gramatical structures.
      British English and American English:What is different? Let's see some differences:

                              American English                                               British English

                              apartment                                                             flat
                              automobile                                                           car
                              cab                                                                      taxi
                              candy                                                                   sweet
                              gas                                                                       petrol
                              mail                                                                      post
                              elevator                                                                lift
                              stove                                                                   cooker
                              subway                                                                underground
                              vacation                                                               holiday
      Do you have a problem?                                                    Have hou a problem?

1. Translate the text above:

2.Use to be  in the present.
2.1. I _________a student.
2.2.The world________ a small place.
2.4.Portuguese________________our official language.
2.5.Communication and travel________extrenely quick.
2.6.You and I______________Brazilian.
2.7.Bob and Mary__________American.
2.3.A jet plane__________very quick.

3.Retire do texto os países onde Inglês é Língua Ofical.

4.Passe as frases da questão dois para a forma negativa e interrogativa.

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